We caught a great documentary last night: Dr. Bronner's Magic Soapbox. It was part of a film festival; I don't know when/if it will come to theatres. I'd bought Dr. Bronner soap in the past and attempted to read the bottle, but I learned a lot from the documentary, namely:
--Dr. B was admitted to a mental hospital, underwent shock therapy, then escaped
--He basically abandoned his 3 children (they were raised in orphanages or foster homes) in order to work on "saving Spaceship Earth"
--He claims to be Einstein's nephew
--He called the FBI almost daily for months and his file was put in the "nut cabinet"
--He is Jewish and the original peppermint soap label is blue and white to match the Israeli flag
--Eldridge Cleaver is a fan
--His descendants run the company now and have capped the top salary at 5x the lowest salary
--The company was the first to use 100% post-consumer recycled plastic for their bottles
--The company is the U.S.' largest buyer of industrial hemp
Also, Dr. Bronner credited his longevity (he lived to be 89) in part to his diet. In one passage from the documentary, he talks about his magic food: raw avocado mixed with raw garlic, onion, and lemon juice. Sounds like a garlicky guacamole. I, on the other hand, am eagerly awaiting my new stove tomorrow and am sick of eating raw! Snow is expected for tomorrow and I'd just like to have a baked potato or bowl of pasta. Is that so wrong?
I'd never make it as a raw foodist that's for sure. I like my food cooked. Glad the oven is arriving soon! I can't even begin to imagine cold food in winter when all you want is something warming and hot!
Hahaha, that sounds like a funny and interesting documentary. I've never heard of that kind of soap, but the spaceship part definitely made me laugh out loud.
I'm sorry that your stove died -- our oven at home is dead as well, only we're not getting a new one. (The stove still works, and I don't think my mom cares enough about the oven to get a new one.)
Hmmm... interesting documentary. I've bought the soap before, but my new favorite soap is Pacifica (mmmm fig soap, Mexican chocolate soap, Bosc pear soap, Gardenia soap...)
Stay warm!
i cannot believe you've been getting along without a stove. i would not want to live in a world without cooked food! :)
of course i don't mind if you link to my blog! yay! the barley muffins you mentioned sound yummy - i've had choc chip cookies with barley flour and loved them! i do rinse my quinoa (for 2 minutes, under cold water), and i think i got my strainer at target. the holes are really tiny, almost like mesh, and it's got a long handle. something like this would work: http://www.target.com/KitchenAid-7-Strainer-Red/dp/B000IWYZ06/sr=1-1/qid=1196903085/ref=sr_1_1/602-4443446-4819038?ie=UTF8&index=target&field-browse=3151061&rh=k%3Astrainer&page=1
Hi Amy--Thanks for posting about the documentary! Just to let you and your readers know--we just released it on DVD and it is available on the doc's website: www.magicsoapbox.com--
Sara Lamm (director of DRMSB)
Funny...I always thought there had to be a strange story behind that stuff. In fact a whole story seems to be printed on the labels of their products but I never bothered to read it.
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