I'm sure many of you have heard that Krispy Kreme is now selling whole wheat doughnuts. Yes, this will definitely help the obesity problem in the US. As long as they're whole wheat, we can eat as many as we want! We've seen this before with Snackwells fat-free cookies. To state the obvious, eating low-fat or high-fiber junk food is not going to make you fit.
It really takes just a few weeks of avoiding processed/ junk food to lose the taste for it. I've found that my palate adjusts to a new diet surprisingly quickly. When I hadn't eaten cheese for a few weeks and then had a piece, I was surprised at how salty it was, in addition to how rich it was. I've also come to really like the taste of vegetables. And laugh at me if you will, but I often eat half a grapefruit for dessert. The taste is so powerful and sweet-tart that it seems very satisfying.
or, for dessert, strawberries with a soy yogurt.
I just looked at the KK nutritional info: A regular glazed doughnut is 200 calories and 12 grams of fat; the whole wheat doughnut is 180 calories and 11 grams of fat. Big difference!
Ceri, I think the soy-gurt has too much sugar for me right now but strawberries by themselves make a great dessert! Kate, that's amusing. And it seems likely that people will eat more of the because they're whole wheat!
Yep, you can't put lipstick on that pig. The pig in this case being a deep fried caramel and sugar glazed chunk of dough.
Excellent reportage, you are 2 legit 2 quit!
Amy...doppio blogimento? I'm impressed! I can barely manage one.
In my office I have a picture of Homer Simpson eating a doughnut, with a big X drawn across it. The "pig" reference is totally appropriate.
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